Friday, 26 February 2016

26 February 2016

Ho hum, this is getting a bit boring.  These two pics were taken this morning, honest, but look near enough identical to those from last Friday.  Dull skies, no life.

I mean, it isn't always like this.  We had genuine sunshine earlier in the week.  On Leith of course.

Giving some interesting shadow patterns

And a very different looking tree, a happier tree.

We also had hints of the dramatic sunsets to come when summer finally arrives

And a full moon shining down, but my werewolf spotting efforts yielded nothing

I also paid the graves a visit again.  Remember that fresh grave from three weeks ago?  Not much has changed, except the flowers quite as fresh.  Are the stonemasons very busy right now, or does the person under there have an exceptionally hard to spell name?

But the best graveyard related moment of the week comes without photographic evidence.  We were walking homewards up the road beside the east wall when something appeared on top of it, looking directly at us.  With a credit card sized item in it's mouth.  Not the expected cat, but a sizeable fox.  It decided we were big and scary and turned back to jump down and scurry behind a line of gravestones.  All too quick to get a camera out, and also to see exactly what was held between the jaws.  Had it been out doing some late night Visa shopping?  Or was it a card of dedication for a bunch of flowers?  Maybe it had taken the flowers in first, then had to come back for the card?  Or took time deciding what dedication to write?  Busy foxy.

Friday, 19 February 2016

19 February 2016

Not even worth looking at today.


It all looked dull and much the same, and I haven't been down amongst the bodies this week.

A few pathetic lights over in Pilrig Park don't offer much either.

Roll on Spring....

Friday, 12 February 2016

12 February 2016

A chilly Friday morning

With plenty of frozen dubs in evidence

And, despite the croci blooming in Saint Andrew Square, no visible signs of spring hitting Pilrig

Later in the day it rained heavily, and one hardy soul decided it was a good time to have a wander around, or maybe they'd come with a more mournful purpose in mind

And after the rain....

(Shame I couldn't get far enough back to capture the whole span)

There's a crock of gold at the end of the rainbow, right?

So the question is, which grave to start digging up first?

Oh sod it, I'll leave it to the leprechauns.

Friday, 5 February 2016

5 February 2016

Ho hum, still no change

The skies were gloomy today

So all I can do is take a different angle on life

There was a bit of snow lying last Saturday morning

But it vanished quickly in the afternoon

So any real interest has had to come from the cemetery being put to its intended use - burials.  We had one today.

I went down later for a closer look.  No doubt this temporary mound will have been leveled off and a headstone added in the coming days.