Friday, 29 April 2016

29 April 2016

Another dull day for the dead

With lots of the wet stuff falling

Which will at least keep the leaves coming on

Even if this big fella shows no signs of joining in yet

But it's definitely still Spring

The grass cutters are out in force

And they're fascinating to watch  (I know, I should get out more)

(Backing track courtesy of the wonderful Dallahan.)

Some of the old unsteady gravestones are being repaired

There's always visitors bringing flowers

There have been sunny days too, and a walk around the cemetery throws up a few oddities

I wondered what might be on the other side of these ivy covered headstones....

....and the answer is

I think it's been a while since anyone missed them.

And who knew old Queen Vic was a gravedigger?

Friday, 22 April 2016

22 April 2016

Definite signs of greenness creeping in, especially when compared with the first photos in this series

But this thing right outside the window is taking its time to show any signs of life (can you tell I don't know much about trees?)

There's been a lot more grass cutting this week

When the skies haven't been sending down hail and sleet

Although this sunset was lovely

Strangest find of the week was spotted as I passed the gates one day.  A small sari-clad woman was tossing lumps of white bread on to the ground just past the entrance.

And a few seconds after I backed away....

Bloody seagulls.

Friday, 15 April 2016

15 April 2016

Buds are appearing, even leaves.  Although the gardener I chatted with today was saying how late it was all happening this year.

And seeing the cycle of grass cutting getting underway is another positive sign of Spring.

You don't need to be Sherlock to spot the signs of fresh mowing.

Like a man with a big mower

There's plenty of colour around if you have an amble.  What could be better than a stroll around a graveyard whilst the clouds threaten to drench you?

Although some floral displays stand out from on high

Friday, 8 April 2016

8 April 2016

Nothing much has changed.  From a distance.

Another sunshine 'n showers day ahead

But there are plenty of sunny days too

Looking down shows some disrepair

And one of the residents out for a run

But go down to ground level....

And there's the first fingers of foliage forcing their way through

Even if it's still hard to make them out on some

But there's definitely a greater variety of colours on the way