Friday, 27 May 2016

27 May 2016

We've been away for most of the week to today's post is (mercifully?) brief.  And damp.

Slate skies, dreich atmosphere, bone chilling cold.  Welcome to Edinburgh as summer arrives.

But one week has made a big difference to this fella.  He'll be completely obscuring the view soon....

However today is all about the wet

But at least that means more and more greenery to come.  Plant life does need sunshine as well though....

Friday, 20 May 2016

20 May 2016

Another dull start to the day

There's been the usual trickle of visitors this week

But at least this big beast outside the window is showing signs of greening

It's all starting to look very much like summer

If only we could have a bit more sunshine....

Friday, 13 May 2016

13 May 2016

Getting greener every week, getting visitors every day

Green that is, except for....

The grass is looking very tidy

I must go down for another walk around soon and look for some of the other interesting headstones, like this one

Friday, 6 May 2016

6 May 2016

It's the usual views again

But getting greener every day

Yet another gorgeous sunset

And a visit from the Masons (nice family....)

This was taken through what were once the main entrance gates to the cemetery, now permanently closed

But my heart, indeed my whole body, isn't really in it today after staying up late to watch some of the general election results last night.  So here's a few more shots from that lovely sunny walk I had round the graves last week.