Friday, 28 October 2016

28 October 2016

More of the same, just a bit more Autumny

Even the tree with the bi-coloured leaves is going golden now

And for once on a Friday there was a bit of blue in the sky, even the previous photos would make you think otherwise

I had another wander around earlier in the week, and keep coming across things I haven't noticed before, and more seasonal change

It isn't just on the gravestones I found words inscribed

The tree outside our window is still holding on to most of it's greenness, but for how much longer?

Friday, 21 October 2016

21 October 2016

Why are Fridays always so dull?

But Autumn is definitely here now, and the big tree outside our window, one of the last to turn green earlier in the year, is now showing signs of going the other way.

The changes, and falling leaves, are obvious everywhere.

There was a bit more sun earlier in the week, and the new colours show up so much more.

Even the moon joined in.

Why do you need a hi-vis vest to dig a grave?

But the best evidence of change comes from another wander round the gravestones.  I'm enjoying my walks amongst the dead.  I may be turning weirder.