Friday, 30 September 2016

30 September 2016

Where did that week go?  Seven days in which I've given little thought to the cemetery (which implies that, rather pathetically, I do think about a graveyard most weeks....).  There wasn't even time this morning to take the usual photos so today they come from the late afternoon.  No bad thing given it was dull and wet start, with the sun coming out after lunchtime.

But the nearest thing to interest I can provide is evidence of The Return of the Geraniums - one of the poorest horror films Hammer ever made.

Still not much sign of Autumn on the way, but it can't be far off now.

Meanwhile the visitors keep turning up regularly, tending the graves, reflecting on their losses.  We all end up here one day.

Friday, 23 September 2016

23 September 2016

A bit of flare is nice in the morning


Not much sign of Autumn from the big fella yet

But I do love the strong shadows on a morning like this

Which also featured on the day I walked round taking some ground level shots

Trying to create a bit of a different perspective on the same old setting

Including a bit more flare

There are always flowers to add some colour

And interesting inscriptions on the stones

But when are we going to start seeing a bit of proper Autumn?  (Which was kind of the whole point of this blog....)

Thursday, 15 September 2016

15 September 2016

A day early this week, as I'll be away tomorrow.  Not that I've much to show for the six days.  The haar rolled in yesterday and was still making life dreich today.

Only the seagulls look pleased

It's been a week for dullness - here's another dreich shot, this time from a bus.

And the nearest there's been to excitement in six days was the planting of a new shrub

Next week - must try harder.

Friday, 9 September 2016

9 September 2016

Dull, dull, dull....

If anyone misses the geraniums.... here's some shots taken from the other window where the wee red buggers are in abundance

The fancy looking tree still looks fancy

And there still looks to be plenty of expansion space for new residents.  Maybe one day....

I had another walkabout earlier in the week

Still keep uncovering further interesting details in all that stonemasonry

And yet another Crawford

Some wild flowers about the place

And even a bit of fruit.  An unlikely spot for a bit of blackberry picking....